What a week!

There has been plenty of time to catch up on blog reading and crappy TV this week due to enforced bed rest, again (stomach bug, nothing serious)! I should have been chained to the sewing machine or pattern writing but instead, in between nana naps, I got on with a new EPP project. Since discovering glue basting the whole EPP thing really appeals to me in a way that it didn’t before. As you know I’m fairly limited on the patience front, so the ability to crack on with sewing blocks together without spending hours tacking through shapes only to have to spend yet more hours unpicking everything is liberating! After finishing up my Hexiestars cushion I needed a fun new EPP project, so I drew up a plan on TouchDraw. I love tessellating shapes and wanted something a bit more testing than triangles and hexagons this time so I’ve used hexagons, pentagons and an octagon. I dragged out a pile of super bright solids and some of my favourite scraps and set to work on the first block. (Disclaimer: This picture is actually the second block because I forgot to take a picture of the first one with my camera, you can find the original block on Instagram.)

I’ve called it Tessellated Madness…because the line drawing in TouchDraw looked crazily complicated. This block actually goes together very quickly and I’m quite enjoying the process. The interlocking block that joins multiples of this block together is even quicker as there are only five pieces to it. I forgot to take a picture of it on its own but I’m sure you’ll be able to work it which bits belong where, the green central block has 4 pentagons attached to it 🙂
 Very straightforward really…

…they fit together with a little help from a tiny diamond where you see the white gap in the centre of those four hexies.

Like so…

Within very little time I’m at this stage:

I just need to fill in the gaps around the outside now 🙂 Not such a bad week up until this point if you disregard the stomach bug, then yesterday hubby and his motorbike parted company on a bend in the road! I’ll cut a long story short to say that he’s been exceptionally lucky to walk away with minor, albeit painful, injuries. He spared me the telephone call and the visit from the police and somehow managed to ride home. Needless to say it was a bit of a shock all round but we’re very grateful that it wasn’t more serious!

Today, I gave hubby a break from my constant nagging about painkillers and sat at the sewing machine for the first time in a while. I finally turned the Nellie’s Knots top into a cushion for Catrin

…and the mini Nellie’s Knots into a little something for Sarah. Thanks ladies for being so patient!

I’m hoping for a much more pleasant week this week as I have many deadlines approaching which require serious attention. I could definitely do without any more stressful distractions! Catch you soon x

9 thoughts on “What a week!

  1. Isisjem says:

    Have loved following your makes on IG. I hope you're fully recovered now and that your hubby gets better soon. Men eh?! Thank goodness his accident wasn't worse


  2. Catrin Lewis says:

    Hope hubbie is ok. Men and their toys – I'm so glad that my hubbie decided on vintage buses and tractors, hopefully a little safer!

    How on earth have you managed to be so productive this week with all that bed rest is beyond me!


  3. margaret says:

    good to read you are now feeling a lot better and hubby so lucky too, those motor bikes give no protection when you came off. Your play with hexies and other shapes ha worked well, I am still tacking mine. That is a lovely cushion am envious of Catrin


  4. Danita Ellis says:

    I love your EPP!! Can you send along a template for it? I would love to start another EPP project. I just finished up a modified Grandmother Garden for my daughter and love how mobile EPP can be.

    jdellis2005 (@) gmail (dot) com


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