EPP addiction

It’s been very strange in our household with hubby home recovering from his motorbike accident. All our usual routines have flown out the window and my sewing related to-do list is getting ever longer. I should be busting a gut getting patterns written up but I’ve mainly been distracted by EPP. I couldn’t wait to finish my second Tessellated madness project. Sticking to a more structured fabric layout meant this went together much more quickly than the totally random placement of the original.

Such a summery palette. I found the perfect thread to quilt with in the shape of a yellow variegated Aurifil thread from one of Tula Pink’s collections.

I didn’t want anything too striking to detract from the gorgeous fabrics so this thread was perfect. It melted into the background but added fantastic texture.

It’s a cushion now and has gone to live with Yvonne. This next photo made me smile and perfectly sums up what Yvonne was saying about our tastes yesterday! Non-identical twins πŸ˜‰

Having finished this project I fully intended to get on with another WIP but I couldn’t resist playing with TouchDraw again. The result of my playing was another new EPP block which I’m calling “Cartwheels” for now. I pulled a rather yummy selection of fabrics from my usual favourite designers, Anna Maria Horner, Tula Pink and Denyse Schmidt…

….then set to work on the block. I’m pretty much in love with this! There are more progress photos over on Instagram. It’s quite a big block as this measures up around 11″.

It’s not going to be long before I can show you the finished article, it’s very addictive! The perfect evening hand sewing project for hiding behind when England are playing in the World Cup!
In other news, I have decided to part with my Ice-cream Dreams quilt and so it now resides in our Etsy Shop.

Catch you soon x

Tessellated madness

My hopes for a less stressful week were denied as it turns out that hubby managed to break a couple of ribs and bruise his lung during his motorbike spill last week. After much to-ing and fro-ing to Drs and the hospital he is now more comfortable and, all being well, on the road to recovery! My deadline sewing projects have been screaming at me from the cutting table but I’ve had to ignore them as I was too tired to concentrate and couldn’t risk bodging them. I couldn’t go all week without sewing though so I cracked on with my Tessellated Madness epp project. Yesterday I squared it up and quilted it with a zingy green Aurifil thread with my usual crazy straight lines.

Here’s a close-up of the quilting:

Then it was a quick job to turn it into a cushion because I clearly don’t have nearly enough of those πŸ˜‰

I used the most awesome print by Anna Maria Horner for the backing fabric along with a flash of solid to conceal the zip!

For someone who has always detested hand sewing I have done plenty of it this past year! Just look at this little lot:

Spring Carnival, Diamonds, kites and stars, Hexiestars and Tessellated Madness

It’s official I am that crazy patchwork lady! I absolutely love that riot of colour πŸ™‚ Now that I’ve finished this Tessellated Madness cushion I’m slightly miffed that you can’t really see the tessellated design very clearly. So what does any sane person do in this instance?… they start another one of course! I pulled this fabric stack last night with the intention of piecing a more subtle version. There are some of my favourite vintage style prints here in the form of Dream On by Urban Chiks, Nicey Jane by Heather Bailey, Lecien dots and the ever lovely Kei florals that I got from Polkadotteafabrics. Here’s my progress so far:

I’m hoping that the tessellated design will be easier to spot now that I’m using prints consistently throughout the block instead of being scraptastic!

Edited to add: Pre-cut paper piece kits will be available for this design in September 2017. You can refer to this post for basic visual guidance if you get stuck. As usual if you make anything with these templates I’d love to see your version! Please use #tessellatedmadness on Instagram or add a picture to our flickr group. Alternatively feel free to email me a photo πŸ™‚ Catch you soon x